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- Research a comprehensive database of Fredericton and Oromocto MLS listings to buy or sell properties at the best price. Contact us today!
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- Browse Fredericton and Oromocto real estate property listings to buy or sell a house, condo or apartment in the New Brunswick area. Find out more!
- Recently Sold Homes
- View Fredericton NB's recently sold homes for real estate area price estimates: recently sold properties, foreclosures, auction, and other listings. More:
- Closing Costs
- Learn the real estate closing cost involved in selling and purchasing a home in Fredericton, Oromocto or Gagetown. Review our house closing cost guide!
- Relocation
- Relocating to Fredericton, Oromocto, or Gagetown New Brunswick? We can help - Review our greater Fredericton area relocation services today!
- Fredericton
- Get great homebuyer information with general city information of Fredericton, New Brunswick, such as neighborhood and local school details. Call us!
- Oromocto
- Get city info for home-buying in Oromocto & CFG Gagetown, New Brunswick, such as home prices, climate, neighborhood and local school details. Learn more.
- Your Moving Checklist
- Stay on top of your relocation to the Fredericton, New Brunswick area with a comprehensive home moving checklist! Read more.
- Top City in Canada to Live
- Ranked the 6th best place to live in Canada by MoneySense magazine, find out what makes Fredericton great for prospective home buyers! Read more!
- Fredericton Pictures
- View the picturesque geography and real estate of Fredericton, New Brunswick with a compilation of Fredericton images. View here.
- Larry
- Fredericton Realtor Larry Booker: With over 20 years experience, Larry Booker will meet your personal search for Fredericton real estate. Call today!
- Contact Us
- Larry Booker is a top Realtors in the Fredericton, Oromocto & Gagetown, NB area. Contact us today!
- Links
- Fredericton Real Estate Links to important information including, Re/Max Fredericton, Re/Max National, City of Fredericton, Town of Oromocto, Several School Districts and other useful sites. A service provided by Larry Booker and Karla Ru
- Testimonials
- Get the best real estate agents in Fredericton! Larry Booker provides clients with the best, low-stress realtor service for the best price. Call today!
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